Armani Williams

Armani Williams is a 23-year-old professional stock car driver currently competing in the NASCAR. Armani races for MBM Motorsports headquartered in Statesville, NC. Armani is the first professional driver in NASCAR openly diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Armani uses his racing career as a platform to draw awareness and acceptance to Autism, and create better life outcomes for families impacted by the disorder.
Armani has competed coast to coast in the United States and Canada.

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Mission Statement
Behavioral Autism Therapies, LLC (B.A.T.) provides support to families of individuals with Autism and special needs, through the implementation of Applied Behavior Analysis techniques and strategies. We provide customized behavioral programs for their individual challenges, enabling them to enhance their quality of life.
Our agency focuses on teamwork, and require 100% parent participation in our program.
Our vision is to be one of the most respected companies in this industry, not only for the services we provide for these families, but most importantly, for the difference that we make in their lives.